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Standard ink colors (those done without a PMS color match charge) are shown below by product category. When standard ink colors are not used, there will be a PMS matching charge of $30(g). PMS matches may not be exact and will vary by product category due to the different ink systems used. PMS match may not be available for some colors or in some product categories. The numbers included below refer to PMS#.

Ink Chart #6
white, warm red, reflex blue c, process blue, black, 109 bright yellow, 123 athletic gold, 168 brown, 179 orange, 186 red, 187 red, 220 rubine red, 227 cerise, 228 maroon, 268 purple, 282 navy, 286 royal blue, 321 aqua, 328 teal, 343 dk. green, 348 emerald green, 430 gray, 874 metallic gold, 877 metallic silver, 2925 lt. blue, 2728 brilliant blue.

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