Standard ink colors (those done without a PMS color match charge) are shown below by product category. When standard ink colors are not used, there will be a PMS matching charge of $30(g). PMS matches may not be exact and will vary by product category due to the different ink systems used. PMS match may not be available for some colors or in some product categories. The numbers included below refer to PMS#.
Ink Chart #1
*white, *black, reflex blue, white satin etch, 012 yellow, *021 orange, 032 red, *115 yellow, 116 yellow, *124 ceramic gold (yellow gold), 151 orange, 154 lt. brown, 155 tan, *165 orange, 185 red, *186 red, 201 lt. maroon, *202 dk. maroon, 209 burgundy, 269 purple, *279 blue, *281 navy, 284 lt. blue, 285 med. blue, 287 royal blue, 300 blue, 308 spruce blue, 315 turquoise blue, 322 teal, 328 teal green, 329 kentucky blue grass, 347 kelly green, *357 dk. olive, *363 green, 368 bright green, 377 olive green, 387 limelight, 430 gray, 477 reddish brown, 494 pink, 497 dk. brown, 525 purple, 729 satin tan, 1255 dark pea green, *1575 orange, 1685 lt. reddish brown, 3005U blue, 3435 hunter green, 4635 lt. brown, 5125 lt. purple. For high opacity on clear glass, we recommend the colors designated with *(asterisk). Please note that shades of purple, pink & yellow will be most difficult to PMS match. Metallic gold and silver inks are not microwave safe. Lead free inks are available upon request (must state on P.O.). See ink chart #2. lead free inks are not as durable as high fire ceramic inks and multicolor imprints are not available.